
Artificial Intelligence Experience: Participatory Art Workshops to Explore Imaginaries Around Machine Learning.
The Handbook of Art, Science and Technology Studies. Routledge. 2021.

A Trail of Breadcrumbs: The Interplay of GPS Sensors, Infrastructures, Tracking and Sociotechnical Practices.
Sensing Security. Mattering Press. 2019.

‘Alternative Ways of Being’: Reimagining Locative Media Materiality through Speculative Fiction and Design
2019. Media Theory. [link]

Using Poetic Methods to Interrogate User Positions Across GNSS Infrastructures.
2018. PhD thesis. Queen Mary University of London.

What Lies Above: Alternative User Experiences Produced Through Focussing Attention on GNSS Infrastructure.
2017. Designing Interactive Systems Conference [DIS’17]. [best paper award] [pdf]

GPS Tarot: Encounters with Satellites as Divination Tools.
2017. Designing Interactive Systems Conference [DIS’17]. [link]

Terminal value: Building the alternative Bloomberg.
2016. Finance and Society Journal. [pdf]

Dial Stories: The Hyridisation of Site Using Radio as a Locative Technology.
2016. Proceedings of the Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X (xCOAx). [pdf]

The Lines Beneath Your Feet: Representing Urban Protest Through Sound.
2015. Leonardo Music Journal. [link]